
Which dates do you need? (1-3 days), cannot be backdated.

Please choose:

I need a certificate for myself as I have a medical condition.


I need a carer’s leave as I look after a family member.


I need a certificate for a minor dependent (child).

Is your dependent under 18 years of age?


What's his/her name?


How old is he/she?

Under 5

What is this certificate for?


Please explain why you need a medical certificate. A doctor will call you if there is need for clarification. Otherwise you will receive your medical certificate in less than 30 minutes, after is confirmed by a doctor.

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This is not an emergency, in case of emergency or any life threatening condition I will call 000 or attend emergency.
Yes No
I have none of these symptoms: chest pain, abdominal pain, severe headache, fever more than 39 degrees, numbness or weakness on one side of body, uncontrolled vomiting or changes in vision.
Yes No
I believe my symptoms are mild and not requiring urgent medical care
Yes No
I understand that this service does not replace a face to face consultation with a GP. I will see a doctor for any further assessments needed.
Yes No
I will try to see my regular GP in next 3 days, or if there are any concerns.
Yes No
I understand all of the above and do not need an interpreter to understand.
Yes No

Base in information you provided, unfortunately this service is not suitable for your.

Please see a doctor in person, or in case of emergency call 000 or attend emergency department.

Please enter your personal information below:



I have read and agree to docnet.com.au terms and conditions and privacy policy

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